• View from Mt Bonnell in Austin, TX
    30 Day Challenge

    August 4, 2021 – Hiking Mt Bonnell

    I hiked Mt Bonnell this evening with some friends and my dog. I use the term “hiked” loosely. That’s what everyone says “Let’s go hike Mt. Bonnell,” but honestly it’s like 30 steps straight up to a pretty viewing area overlooking the “lake” (Lake Austin is actually a river – these people have weird ways of naming things) and then…

  • About Me,  Lifestyle

    I didn’t want to ride a roller coaster

    I didn’t want to ride roller coasters. But I also didn’t want to seem like a baby because I wouldn’t get on the roller coaster. So, I got on, utterly terrified, rode the ride, and FREAKING LOVED IT! #newadrenalinejunkie But, then I said I wouldn’t ride a roller coaster that went backwards. I did, and it freaked me out but…

  • Lifestyle,  Monday Musings

    Intake. Output.

    I’ve gone to write this blog post at least three times now in some form or fashion. At first I was going to give you a list of all the Netflix shows I have binge watched over the past few months. But then I decided that was an embarrassingly long list so it didn’t get written. Then I was going…

  • Lifestyle,  Monday Musings

    Monday Musings

    There was a lady pulling weeds out of her front yard while I was on my walk this evening. It made me smile and my heart warm a bit. When I was little, I can remember visiting my grandma and every time she went to get the mail, on the way back, she would stop to pull a weed or…

  • Lifestyle

    Things I’ve Learned: Personal Finance

    Growing up, money wasn’t really discussed. It just kinda was a thing that people had to work hard to get and then turned around and used. So, when I got to college and had an income with bills to pay, I had to figure out what on earth I was supposed to do. My solution was a bit (a lot)…