I got home late last night so this post is a bit late getting up. Yesterday (Day 2 of my challenge), was a beautiful day here in Tuscaloosa and I kept contemplating taking my hammock down to the river and trying to figure out how to set it up – disclaimer: I have had my hammock for like 8 months now, but haven’t used it yet. But, I had a lot of house work that needed doing so that might be an activity for next Monday or Tuesday, we will see.
Anyways, yesterday I was required to go to a wind ensemble concert for class. I was reminded while watching the concert that I absolutely love live music. Growing up, my grandparents had season tickets to the Austin Symphony, so I remember them always going to that. I got to go to New York in middle school and saw a Broadway play which sparked my love for watching live theater. But, I haven’t seen a concert by an ensemble or orchestra in several years and I was reminded last night that I absolutely love them. There is just something so amazing about the story and emotions that can be told through music, told without ever having a word spoken, that is incredible to me.
So, that was my enjoyable thing that I did for day 2 – I went and watched part of our band at UA perform and it was great. Not sure what I am doing for day 3 but I still have most of the day left to figure that out. Have a happy Friday!