30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge – Day 14

I am proud of myself. Yesterday, my roommate and I went climbing and I pushed myself harder than I ever had before. I know, you are like “Okay Lyss but that is what you are supposed to do anytime you work out, so why is this a big deal?” I have a really hard time pushing myself to my limits. I don’t really knkw why but I have been weight lifting or climbing for almost 1.5 years now and I think I have actually been at muscle failure or the point of almost throwing up from exertion twice. Part of it is I have to push really hard to get to that point and I typically get bored with whatever I am doing before I hit failure. But a bigger part is I really hate failing and not being able to complete a set or send a route is failing to me. So, the fact that I am moving past that idea is huge. Also, I climbed several routes that are significantly harder than what I normally climb and was fairly successful at all of them.

What did I learn from this experience yesterday? That I have been underestimating my athletic abilities which probably means I have been underestimating all of my abilities. I am going to try to push myself harder than normal at everything I do because, as I said the other day, you can’t grow inside your comfort zone. I know that sounds cliche, but I am also aware it is true. Here are a few more pics of me climbing (I figure if we actually took pictures, I should actually share them) just because climbing is cool. I’m off to a couple meetings so y’all have a great day!