30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge – Day 29

One day left of my challenge. That is so exciting! I am so proud of myself for getting this far. So yesterday was, as every Wednesday has been for me for the past while, chapter for my sorority. But, unlike normal, we had our event for graduating seniors. It was super sweet, my adorable twin gave me a sweet gift and I cried when people kept telling me how much they loved me and will miss me.

Look at my pretty little badge and the tiny alumni pin I got tonight!!

If we are being 100% honest, I almost didn’t join Sigma Kappa. And after I did, I almost dropped like 5 times. But, I decided to stick it out and somehow, at some point, made an impact on people – some of which I think I have spoken to a grand total of 3 times all year. I just want you (I am assuming people are still reading at this point, but who knows? Maybe someone is still reading my corner of the internet. Maybe everyone got bored and ditched me after day 2. Wow, that is a sad thought. Moving on…), I want you to know that what you do, what you say, the smile you wear, the tears you share, has an impact on the people around you. You might not feel it, you might not see it, and you may never know who but people watch you and know you and love you and suport you from the sidelines. I don’t say this to make you self-consious, I don’t say this to make you question everything in your life (graduation does that all on it’s own and doesn’t need my help 😊), I say this because it is true. When I graduated high school, when I left my last 3 jobs, and now as I leave Sigma Kappa at UA, I am reminded that we are not islands meant to live life alone. We are called to live as examples of who Christ is and how He has changed us. People notice. Not because you do something flashy. Not because you do something big. Simply because you love.

Sorry for getting all sappy on you. Apparently graduation approaching has me feeling all the feels (as the cool kids say). Anyways, I want you to take today and tell someone that has had am impact on you – preferably a peer or someone younger than you – that they have had an effect on your life. Seriously, go love on someone today just because you can. I’ll see you tomorrow to end my challenge!!