30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge – Day 10

Last night was my Spring Formal with my sorority. I had a ton of fun and really enjoyed myself. Guess what I didn’t do though – take any photos on my phone. My date and I went to take photos at the photo booth but the girl in front of us knocked the background down so they shut the photo booth down. I had a few friends that volunteered to take a photo of us but then a good song would come on and we would all dance instead, and photos never happened. The photographer we had took several photos of us but I have to wait a little bit to get those pictures back. Which means y’all are going to have to wait for photos too. This is what I get for not taking photos before leaving home. Oh well, live and learn.

Anyways, after staying up past midnight last night, I had to be at UA by 8 this morning to help with an event I volunteered for. I love kids, I enjoyed what I did, and I got to give an impromptu tour of the engineering buildings but, wow I am tired. So, this is getting posted a bit late today and then I am going to take a nap. Y’all have a great Saturday and I will chat with you tomorrow!