30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge – Day 11

As I briefly mentioned in my Day 10 post, I volunteered yesterday morning on campus and then gave an impromptu tour to a sweet momma and her son. I came home from that and proceeded to take a 3.5 hour long nap because I was exhausted. Which left yesterday night to do something that fit my challenge. A friend was having a party and had invited my roommate and I, so we decided to go.

Honestly, I think I test for being like 51-49% extroverted-introverted on the Myers-Briggs exam which manifests as me loving to hang out with people but only having a certain amount of peopleing-ability before I am peopled-out. So, we parked, walked up to the room, stood outside the door, and I said, “Let’s just go get a movie. It sounds like they have a bunch of people in there and they are having fun. I don’t know if I have the energy to people that much tonight.” We proceeded to walk back downstairs and to the car when my roommate said, “Lyss, we are here. Might as well walk in and say hi even if we only stay for a half hour.” So we went back into the building, and into the apartment. And stayed for four hours. And had a ton of fun. I learned several new card games (I really like card games), met a bunch of new people, and was reminded that I am really awful at Super Smash Bros. Was it how I had envisioned my evening? Nope. I wanted to watch Aquaman. Am I incredibly glad that I was pushed slightly outside my comfort zone? Yes. Yes I am.

That was what I did yesterday for my challenge – pushed myself outside of my comfort zone to meet new people and be social on a day I didn’t really want to be social. So my challenge for you this week is to do something, anything, that pushes you outside your comfort zone. It doesn’t have to be something huge. It could be anything as simple as trying new food. Just get outside your comfort zone, because that is where you need to be to grow. Y’all have a great Sunday!

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