30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge – Day 13

So this is quite late being posted because every time I thought about needing to post this morning, I was in the middle of something else. Anyways, yesterday, I went to small group with church and we had a game night. Which sound like fun and you are like “Okay Lyss, so that’s it right?” Wrong. Game night meant I actually had to meet everyone there and know their names. I am glad that I now know everyone’s name but it felt a little embarrassing to, 3 months into the semester, just now be asking what everyone’s name is. But I did it, and had a fun evening! Two game nights in three days – what are the odds? (Get it? Odds? Card games? I’m so funny 😊)

Okay, enough with my bad jokes. Back to work for me. Y’all have a great rest of your Tuesday and I will try to post at a decent time tomorrow!