30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge – Day 30

This post is 4 days late for a couple reasons. First, I’ve actually had a kinda busy weekend. Second, the spare time I had, I spent napping. And third, I wasn’t 100% sure how I wanted to end this challenge. On Thursday, which was technically Day 30, we were going to go climbing and then we had a tornado watch that shut campus down after 5 pm so that didn’t happen. I wound up going to Target, getting cookie dough, and then making chocolate chip cookie waffles. Highly recommend cookie waffles especially with ice cream on top.

Yum. It was so good. Anyways, that was my Thursday night – watching the How To Train Your Dragon Netflix TV show while eating ice cream on cookie waffles during a tornado watch. It was fantastically relaxing.

So I guess that, at the end of my 30 Day Challenge, I should reflect. Honestly, what I have learned the most is that doing something you enjoy on a regular basis isn’t as difficult as it sounds. For some reason, I think we have it in our brains that making our life something different, something we enjoy is impossible if we don’t take giant steps. Let me just tell you, I have more fun now than I did in January. Not because I have made a dramatic life change but because I have made one single conscious choice, every single day for a month, to do something I enjoy or that relaxes me or that is new to me. I’ve heard it said before that your life is not one big moment it is just a bunch of little moments that culminate as your whole life. If that is even remotely true, why don’t we take small moments and enjoy them more often? As humans living in the 21st century, we make thousands upon thousands of choices a day. It sounds crazy to think that one choice each day can change your life but it can.

A month ago, I really thought I was going to get a week into my challenge and fail. And, if I remember correctly, I did fail. I had a day where all I did was work and the stuff I had to do because I was too busy to do anything else. But I then made a point to do something I like the next day and the next day. Y’all I’m not saying that every day will be a success, I’m not saying every day will be hunky-dory, happy-go-lucky. I am saying that when you make the choice to be happy, your day goes a lot better. When you make the choice to like what you do, life becomes a bit more enjoyable. I promise, I’m not trying to preach to you or be some sort of fancy person that gives life advice because they know everything. Trust me, I’m not fancy and I do not know anything close to everything. What I do know is what I have done, what I have tried. And I know what my response would be to reading this.

“Right. Well, that seems to work great for you but it would never work for me. I am too busy/tired/occupied/lazy to do that right now. And it just seems like a lot of work anyhow. Stop telling me what will make my life better. You don’t know me. My situation is different.”

Maybe that isn’t your response. Maybe you are 100% considering making choices in your life that make you happy. But maybe that is your response. Or maybe your response is a bit different but still is honestly along the same lines. Maybe you didn’t have a response at all. I don’t care. I am talking to you.

You are amazing as you are right now. But we are not created to stop growing. We are created to flourish. And being in a place where you are too busy and tired to do anything that makes you happy isn’t flourishing. I know. I’ve been there. And I am telling you, as someone who decided to never go back to being in a situation where I can’t choose happiness, one choice a day, even a small choice, can change everything.

So what did I learn from my challenge? I validated something I have been learning over the past few years – one choice a day really does change your world.

I hope you have enjoyed following my 30 day challenge. I invite you to stick around as I figure out what I am going to do with my blog from here on out. If you click here, you can subscribe to my blog and get an email every time I create a new post, that way you stay updated. TBH, the reality of me posting more than once a day or so is very slim so you won’t be spammed with emails. I’ll see y’all around again shortly!