30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge – Day 5

Good Morning! It is a beautiful day here in Tuscaloosa and I am excited to start my week. So, yesterday, day 5 of my challenge, I was required to go to help cleanup the Riverwalk with my sorority. I really thought that I was going to hate it because I was giving up an hour and a half of my Sunday afternoon when I was absolutely exhausted but, I really enjoyed it. It was a beautiful weekend and yesterday was no exception. It was between 65 and 70 degrees, had a nice wind blowing, sun shining, and the birds were out chirping. The colors were vibrant because we got rain a week ago and everyone seemed happy to be outside because it was so nice. And, I walked along parts of the Riverwalk I had never been on before! Double win!

And I remembered to take a picture of this! My planned fun event for the day was going rock climbing with my roommate. I am trying to make it a regular occurrence, climbing 2-3 times a week, so that I get into a routine of climbing which makes it easier to do something I enjoy regularly. We did go climbing but I forgot to get a picture of that. But I did get a photo of my very colorful pizza I got when we went out to lunch so I am going to share that instead.

Doesn’t it look super yummy? Spoiler alert: it was. Okay, now it is time for me to get to work for the day. Have a happy Monday!