30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge – Day 8

What did I do yesterday? I went to work, ate lunch with friends, went to meetings, ate dinner, went to chapter, went home, and read 1.5 free Kindle books before heading to bed. So nothing exciting or interesting or even remotely new. Reading is relaxing for me so I guess if we are really pushing the boundaries of my challenge, I did read quite a bit but that feels like a stretch. I think then, looking at my day from the view of this challenge, I failed yesterday. But that is okay. Today is a new day, a new day to succeed.

I read a book not long ago called Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley. I am reminded of it right now. Rather than tell myself that I failed at a personal challenge and as such suck, I want to tell myself, “Yeah, yesterday wasn’t a huge success but you aren’t stressed out, which is good, and you can try again today.” So that is what I am going to do. Give myself enough grace to not be upset with a lack of success and to try again. I challenge you today, give yourself grace for not being perfect. It really is okay to not have everything figured out and done perfectly. Trust me, I am learning that lesson myself right now. Have a great day!