About Me

Hey, I’m Lyss – a newly married twenty-something seeking to live life a bit more simply. As I’m learning new skills and hobbies, I want to encourage you that you can learn new things too!

This blog was started my senior year of college with the idea that I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life or how to have fun. I had just changed my master plan for life and was floundering. I ran a 30-day challenge for myself – every day I would do something fun, something enjoyable. I moved across the country and my blog writing came to a slow, then a pause as I started my career.

4 years later, I had begun to learn skills like how to keep a home clean with 2 dogs, how to bake bread – both yeasted and sourdough, how to cook a meal that will feed my very hungry husband and I for more than 1 meal. Skills that I learned from tenacity and pushing through and a LOT of reading of other people’s blogs and opinions. But there was nowhere all this info was consolidated for a beginner so, as I started trying to help my friends cook from scratch more themselves, I couldn’t figure out where to send them. I decided to create that place.

As you choose to listen to me tell you my experiences, you probably want a brief background huh?

I was raised outside of Houston, TX by a pastor and a teacher, then graduated from The University of Alabama with a degree in engineering. My first job out of college was working for a company out of Austin, TX where I lived for 2.5 years. In those years, the shutdown of 2020 occurred forcing everyone in my office to work from home. In December of 2021, I asked my boss if I could stay remote and move across the country to Ohio (my best friend from college had a spare room and I wanted to experience 4 seasons). To my relief, he agreed.

Moving to Ohio, a state I had honestly forgotten existed until my friend moved there, changed so much of my life. I learned a lot of the tangible skills I will share on here but also a lot of interpersonal skills I didn’t know I needed. Oh, and I met and married my husband πŸ™‚

I love being outdoors in God’s creation but I also love being inside, trying new recipes in the kitchen. It’s not uncommon for us to have more baked goods than we can eat in a week and my husband winds up taking a decent bit of it to the firehouse where he works – though none of them seem to mind that too much. πŸ˜€

My hope with this blog is that it blesses you with a consolidated place to learn skills you have wanted to try. I don’t promise to be an expert, I’ll probably never develop a recipe myself, but I will point you in the direction of resources I find.

I hope you stick around for a while and learn, right along-side me, new skills and abilities and how to love the life that we are living right here and right now.