View from Mt Bonnell in Austin, TX
30 Day Challenge

August 4, 2021 – Hiking Mt Bonnell

I hiked Mt Bonnell this evening with some friends and my dog. I use the term “hiked” loosely. That’s what everyone says “Let’s go hike Mt. Bonnell,” but honestly it’s like 30 steps straight up to a pretty viewing area overlooking the “lake” (Lake Austin is actually a river – these people have weird ways of naming things) and then a very small rocky path/trail thing you can go down. I wore athletic clothes, most of the people I met were in cute outfits for pictures and a number of people just chilling by the overlook were in nice-ish clothes as there were several couples on casual dates. Obviously I was prepared for a far more intensive hike than anyone else. That isn’t to say it wasn’t enjoyable, just the company was enjoyable, the hike was, well, not a hike. Those stairs are STEEP though!

Picture of sunset over Mt Bonnell in Austin, TX
The view from partway down the path past the overlook. I wish I had gotten a picture of the sun before it set – it looked like something out of Star Wars, glowing red with some light clouds in front of it.

Before we went tonight, I popped into the pet store down the road to grab a new harness for Faith – she hasn’t had one since she was a puppy because she out grew hers and I didn’t replace it. I checked the weight recommendations and the breed recommendations and got her a large harness. I loosened every single buckle I could on that thing and it still doesn’t fit, so that will be returned tomorrow. I’ve been on a “return everything I have purchased that doesn’t work for me” kick lately, which is making me feel very adulty. Side note – you should always return things that don’t work for you as long as you are still in the return time and the item is still returnable.

It is funny the things that are making me feel extra adulty lately. I had to call the dentist to discuss an extraneous charge which made me feel super adulty but I’ve been training loads of people at work lately and that just feels normal and less adulty. Returning things and negotiating payments makes me feel adulty but budgeting and paying rent doesn’t. Those differences are just kinda interesting to me. Anyways, those are my musings for today. Y’all have a great evening.

Love, Lyss