• Writing

    The Day I Thought I Saw the Mafia

    I was sitting at the red light the other day and peaked in my rearview mirror. Behind me were two guys in a gold truck - you know those squatty, kinda ugly ones? Yeah, one of those. The driver was bald with an Eastern European facial structure and a look like he was in the Russian mafia. His buddy in…

  • Book Reviews,  Books

    American Royals: A Review

    I bought this book when I was in Kentucky in the fall. I love reading on planes but I hate buying e-books. Actually, for the most part, I hate spending money on digital items – the idea that they would just disappear because something happened to a server somewhere really bothers me so I buy hard copies of everything. Anyways,…

  • Winter 2020 reading list

    To Read – Winter 2020

    I love reading. Like LOVE reading. I wanted to be a librarian when I was little because I loved books and sorting books and shelving books so much. The library in Beauty and the Beast is #goals and you can be guaranteed that my future house will have a ton of bookshelves if not a library. I think we had…

  • Uncategorized

    Wow the brain is so cool

    I’m a wee bit type-A. And by a wee bit, I mean my first 3 years of college were planned down to the minute every Sunday or Monday when I sat down to look at my week. If my planner didn’t have a month view and then a week view that was vertical with every day right next to the…