• 30 Day Challenge

    30 Day Challenge – Day 13

    So this is quite late being posted because every time I thought about needing to post this morning, I was in the middle of something else. Anyways, yesterday, I went to small group with church and we had a game night. Which sound like fun and you are like “Okay Lyss, so that’s it right?” Wrong. Game night meant I…

  • 30 Day Challenge

    30 Day Challenge – Day 9

    Yesterday was a fairly normal day for me except I helped to shave my roommate’s dog. Let me just tell you, when you shave a Springer Spaniel-Golden Retriever mix, you get hair everywhere. Pretty sure we will have hair swirling around for another 4 weeks. This is why I own 4 lint rollers. Anyways, for my challenge, my roommate and…