I am proud of myself. Yesterday, my roommate and I went climbing and I pushed myself harder than I ever had before. I know, you are like “Okay Lyss but that is what you are supposed to do anytime you work out, so why is this a big deal?” I have a really hard time pushing myself to my limits.…
30 Day Challenge – Day 13
So this is quite late being posted because every time I thought about needing to post this morning, I was in the middle of something else. Anyways, yesterday, I went to small group with church and we had a game night. Which sound like fun and you are like “Okay Lyss, so that’s it right?” Wrong. Game night meant I…
30 Day Challenge – Day 12
Yesterday, I attempted to play basketball with the youth at my church. In case you were wondering, I'm really awful at anything except getting in your way.
30 Day Challenge – Day 11
Which left yesterday night to do something that fit my challenge. A friend was having a party and had invited my roommate and I, so we decided to go...
30 Day Challenge – Day 10
Last night was my Spring Formal with my sorority. I had a ton of fun and really enjoyed myself...