• View from Mt Bonnell in Austin, TX
    30 Day Challenge

    August 4, 2021 – Hiking Mt Bonnell

    I hiked Mt Bonnell this evening with some friends and my dog. I use the term “hiked” loosely. That’s what everyone says “Let’s go hike Mt. Bonnell,” but honestly it’s like 30 steps straight up to a pretty viewing area overlooking the “lake” (Lake Austin is actually a river – these people have weird ways of naming things) and then…

  • 30 Day Challenge

    30 Day Challenge – Day 28

    My challenge is coming to an end and is getting harder to complete this week. I have meetings for quite a bit of the day for the rest of the week because senior projects are all due either this week or next. We were going to go to the gym yesterday but both rec centers were closed for Staff Appreciation…