• Life Plans

    I did something scary today

    I withdrew a job application. “But Lyss,” you console. “That is normal. People withdraw job applications all the time.” Ah, but my friend, I don’t. I am that Type A person who has had her whole life planned since she was 8. And then at 21 decided that plan sucked, dropped it like a hot tamale, and floundered for a…

  • Life Plans

    What on Earth am I doing?

    This is a question I keep asking myself. I have dreams of businesses I want to open, yet I put those on the back burner for security. I want to share what I love, specifically ways to live healthier, with my friends and family, yet every time I have the opportunity, I get embarrassed and clam up. I know what…

  • Life Plans

    I Graduated!

    Hey Y'all! I know it has been a hot minute since I last posted. The last few weeks were filled with presentations, finishing senior projects, family coming into town, and graduation. I passed all my classes and now, I am officially a college graduate!