• About Me,  Lifestyle

    I didn’t want to ride a roller coaster

    I didn’t want to ride roller coasters. But I also didn’t want to seem like a baby because I wouldn’t get on the roller coaster. So, I got on, utterly terrified, rode the ride, and FREAKING LOVED IT! #newadrenalinejunkie But, then I said I wouldn’t ride a roller coaster that went backwards. I did, and it freaked me out but…

  • Lifestyle,  Monday Musings

    Intake. Output.

    I’ve gone to write this blog post at least three times now in some form or fashion. At first I was going to give you a list of all the Netflix shows I have binge watched over the past few months. But then I decided that was an embarrassingly long list so it didn’t get written. Then I was going…

  • Lifestyle,  Monday Musings

    Monday Musings

    There was a lady pulling weeds out of her front yard while I was on my walk this evening. It made me smile and my heart warm a bit. When I was little, I can remember visiting my grandma and every time she went to get the mail, on the way back, she would stop to pull a weed or…

  • Lifestyle

    Things I’ve Learned: Personal Finance

    Growing up, money wasn’t really discussed. It just kinda was a thing that people had to work hard to get and then turned around and used. So, when I got to college and had an income with bills to pay, I had to figure out what on earth I was supposed to do. My solution was a bit (a lot)…

  • Lifestyle

    Gardening: The Beginning

    I realize that title might sound like this is going to be an exercise in creative writing. It’s not. This is me being very proud of the little garden my grandparents and I started (I am living with them for the time being). What started as two overgrown, clay-filled raised beds are now two beautiful raised beds filled with good…